- averaging operator
- усредняющий оператор, оператор усреднения
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
averaging operator — vidurkinimo operatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. averaging operator vok. Mittelungsoperator, m; Operator der Mittelwertbildung, m rus. оператор усреднения, m; усредняющий оператор, m pranc. opérateur de moyenne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Operator der Mittelwertbildung — vidurkinimo operatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. averaging operator vok. Mittelungsoperator, m; Operator der Mittelwertbildung, m rus. оператор усреднения, m; усредняющий оператор, m pranc. opérateur de moyenne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
averaging — n. Commerce, operation of increasing transactions on Stock Exchange when market goes against the operator to maintain price at level desired … Dictionary of difficult words
Discrete Laplace operator — For the discrete equivalent of the Laplace transform, see Z transform. In mathematics, the discrete Laplace operator is an analog of the continuous Laplace operator, defined so that it has meaning on a graph or a discrete grid. For the case of a… … Wikipedia
Hecke operator — In mathematics, in particular in the theory of modular forms, a Hecke operator, studied by Hecke (1937), is a certain kind of averaging operator that plays a significant role in the structure of vector spaces of modular forms and more… … Wikipedia
Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) Aggregation Operators — Introduced by Ronald R. Yager, the Ordered Weighted Averaging operators, commonly called OWA operators, provide a parameterized class of mean type aggregation operators. Many notable mean operators such as the max, arithmetic average, median and… … Wikipedia
LTI system theory — or linear time invariant system theory is a theory in the field of electrical engineering, specifically in circuits, signal processing, and control theory, that investigates the response of a linear, time invariant system to an arbitrary input… … Wikipedia
Orbital integral — In mathematics, an orbital integral is an integral transform that generalizes the spherical mean operator to homogeneous spaces. Instead of integrating over spheres, one integrates over generalized spheres: for a homogeneous space… … Wikipedia
Mittelungsoperator — vidurkinimo operatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. averaging operator vok. Mittelungsoperator, m; Operator der Mittelwertbildung, m rus. оператор усреднения, m; усредняющий оператор, m pranc. opérateur de moyenne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
opérateur de moyenne — vidurkinimo operatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. averaging operator vok. Mittelungsoperator, m; Operator der Mittelwertbildung, m rus. оператор усреднения, m; усредняющий оператор, m pranc. opérateur de moyenne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vidurkinimo operatorius — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. averaging operator vok. Mittelungsoperator, m; Operator der Mittelwertbildung, m rus. оператор усреднения, m; усредняющий оператор, m pranc. opérateur de moyenne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas